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Mr. A's Martial Arts 

Frequently Asked Questions

My child still has temper tantrums and I’m worried about how they’ll behave in school. Can studying martial arts help?

Yes, it can. We help children learn the importance of emotional control and respect for others. These are lessons that will help them in the classroom, too.

My child is out of control physically, and can be very destructive. How will studying martial arts help?

Martial arts instruction focuses on hand-eye coordination, control, and strength. As kids learn basic moves and then advance, they learn how to control their bodies and movements.

My child gives up easily when frustrated. I want them to learn persistence. Can your classes help?

Yes. It’s common for students to require more than one attempt to earn a new belt. We teach them that trying is the most important thing – and that persistence pays off.

Will studying martial arts help my child learn how to interact with others and share?

Yes. Even though studying martial arts is an individual pursuit, we teach kids to learn in a collaborative environment with an emphasis on sharing, cooperation, and teamwork.

Can taking martial arts classes help my child with being respectful?

Respect is at the core of everything we do in the dojo. Kids who study martial arts must respect their instructors and fellow students, and we find that they learn to respect parents, teachers, caregivers, and siblings at the same time.

My child zones out in class and misses important instructions. Can taking martial arts classes help them do a better job of focusing?

Yes. Part of martial arts training is teaching kids to be mindful of themselves and their surroundings. They must focus to succeed in class, and once they learn to do it, they’ll be able to do the same thing at school.

Early Skillz


Our Early Skillz Program Can Help Them Learn Appropriate Behavior In A Fun Setting.

Three and four-year-old children are naturally curious. They’re restless and eager to explore their surroundings – and to test boundaries and establish their identities. 

Extreme Skillz


Our Extreme Skillz Program Helps Kids Maximize Their Physical And Intellectual Capabilities In A Stable And Nurturing Environment.

Kids between the ages of 10 and 14 are capable of great things. We provide the  right tools and encouragement  to help them achieve their goals.

Ninja Skillz

Our Ninja Skillz Program is designed for ages 7-9 and helps kids develop Focus, Self-discipline, and Confidence as they practice their techniques and learn to work as a team. Our classes are designed to teach good habits and include age-appropriate drills to meet our students' needs at their stage of development.

Basic Skillz


Our Basic Skillz Program Can Help.  Learn To Pay Attention In A Fun Setting.

Five and six-year olds are the most enthusiastic students. They love creativity and problem-solving, which makes them ideal students in the Martial Arts.

Warrior Skillz

Our Program for students aged 10+. More details coming soon!

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